So, already learning new stuff!

Hi all! Second day in and I’m already learning that I have a long, long way to go in building a website. Well, I already knew that… but you get what I mean. I followed what I could of the introductory instructions when I bought my website domain and used one of the basic, pre-built themes because, duh, I know nothing of building from scratch. But, even with all of the great help and information that is provided, I already found that I’ve misunderstood some things and I still cant figure out a ton more. Yes, all of this is novice stuff to all of you experts out there in the E-World, but I did say that I’d be very candid about all of the stumbling that I’d be doing as I set up. The online stuff is where I lack expertise… I’m just working towards being able to share what I’m actually good at…someday! haha

  1. “Publish” is different from “Launch”

Honestly, I still don’t actually know what publish is on it’s own… I’m guessing it’s only applicable after you actually Launch your whole website to the public (Launch happens once – the “Grand Opening” and Publish is how you add new content thereafter) … but it obviously did not mean that my website was online without launching. I set the intro pages on which I was working this week to publish on Monday at 7am. But, when my husband came home from work, I asked him to take a look at my website from his phone and the site still displayed the “Coming Soon” page. I poked around and clicked the giant “Launch” button, that I was ignoring. Because… it was a big scary button.

  1. Subscribe” is different from joining an email list.

Yes, I knew both existed. But I thought that I had set an email-list “subscribe form” on my website home-page, when in fact it was just a glorified “follow” button, plus apparently you have to have a WordPress account to subscribe. hahaha!

So, for all of my billions of followers… I’ve now set up an actual email list and it is marked as such, right at the top of my Home Page… the glorified “follow” button to subscribe is at the bottom. 😀

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